The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco, Edition 2 by Barry Evans

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Title: The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco, Edition 2

Author: Barry Evans

The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco, Edition 2

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Synopsis: WINNER: Les Plumes des Achats 2016 - Prix des Associations (1st edition) Over the last two decades Tesco has emerged as a dominant player in the UK market and a leading global retailer. The Lean Supply Chain explores how Tesco, over the last 20 years or so, has built its business around supply chain excellence. As a mega-retailer, Tesco has learnt to create a balanced supply chain system, supporting suppliers' needs as well as customers' requirements. This perspective, and an ambition to act sustainably, has underpinned a rebuilding of trust in the Tesco brand and a resurgence in commercial fortunes. This fully updated edition of The Lean Supply Chain contains new chapters on Tesco's current strategy, rebuilding brand trust and its CSR agenda. It charts the principles of lean thinking, customer loyalty and simplicity which were used by Tesco to frame its supply chain strategy and draws upon the authors' deep knowledge of how the retailer has dealt with challenges and market changes to provide lessons for other businesses, large or small, who wish to place how they manage their supply chains at the heart of their competitive strategy.

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