PowerPivot Alchemy: Patterns and Techniques for Excel by Bill Jelen
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Title: PowerPivot Alchemy: Patterns and Techniques for Excel
Author: Bill Jelen
![PowerPivot Alchemy: Patterns and Techniques for Excel](https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/cCrQAwAAQBAJ?fife=w375)
Synopsis: PowerPivot is an amazing new add-in for Excel 2013 that allows business intelligence pros to process large amounts data. Although it is simple to use in a demo environment, analysts are likely to run into real-life scenarios that are difficult to solve. This guide, dedicated solely to the PowerPivot tool, provides techniques and solutions to real-world problems, including showing the Top N customers by using slicer filters, comparing budget to actuals, drilling across data instead of through data, and joining data from two different sources in a single analysis.